回答如下:To adjust the resolution in Vray Renderer (English version), please follow these steps:1. Open 。su渲染器vray英文版怎么调分辨率?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!



回答如下:To adjust the resolution in Vray Renderer (English version), please follow these steps:

1. Open the Vray Render Settings window by clicking on the "Vray Render Setup" button located on the toolbar or by pressing F10 on your keyboard.

2. In the Vray Render Settings window, select the "Common" tab.

3. Under the "Output" section, you will see the "Image Sampler (Antialiasing)" option. Click on the arrow next to it to expand the settings.

4. In the "Image Sampler (Antialiasing)" section, you will see the "Fixed Rate" option. This option allows you to set the resolution of your render.

5. Enter your desired resolution values in the "Width" and "Height" fields. You can also choose the "Fixed Ratio" option to keep the aspect ratio of your render.

6. Once you have set the resolution, click on the "Render" button to start your render with the new resolution settings.

Note: Adjusting the resolution can impact the time it takes to render your image. Higher resolutions will take longer to render.



打开vr for su 的渲染参数设置面板(vr工具栏上的“O”图标)里面有一个输出,英文版的叫output,在里面该输出分辨率,把覆盖适口勾掉